Sunday, May 22, 2011

Last Meeting

Wow!  Our last official troop meeting is Tuesday, May 24.
At our last meeting we completely underestimated the projects and the amount of time we had to complete them.  We will finish the projects at the last meeting.  The girls will make a total of three projects, one which we will donate to the Share Fair (Thursday, May 26)

PLEASE pick up on time, we both have activities immediately after the meeting.

We promised the girls to post the two polymer clay books that we referenced for the projects.  If you are interested in doing some polymer projects here are a few basic tools that I would recommend:  a ceramic tile (great surface to work on), a roller (you can buy an acrylic roller or cut a piece of PVC pipe), some basic tools (at local arts and crafts stores...Michael's and JoAnn's), a dedicated pan to cook in (you will not want to use this pan for food again).  Feel free to contact Kristi at if you have any questions. 

We will post the sheets from the foreign language meeting a few weeks back.  And.....some more pictures.