Tuesday, February 15, 2011


A big Thanks to Amy Kane for her help at the February 8th meeting.......parents are always welcome!  As Amy, Tammy and Chris will tell you....be prepared to jump right in, we will always have something for you to do!  Thanks again!!!!

A couple of parents were asking today about where to put the "science in action" badge on their daughter's sash or vest.  I have included a visual from the Girl Scout website on the "Helpful Resources" at the top of the page on this blog.  Click on the tab and scroll down to the drawing.  Typically, you would put the "try-it" badges on the front of the vest or sash.  The back is usually for the fun stuff like the badges from selling cookies or going to girl scout camp, etc.

Please check the calendar and snack schedule.  We are looking for parent(s) to help out with snack for the meeting scheduled for March 22.  Please let Kristi or Liz know if you are interested/available.  Thanks a bunch!

Cookie sales have been going great.  Liz worked this past weekend on getting the orders ready to be handed in.  THANK YOU Liz!!!! 

Thanks again for your support and sharing your delightful daughters!!

P.S.  I will update photos soon.....promise!!!!

Science in Action

Whew!  We did it.  The girls turned in scientist for the brownie meeting today and after participating in four activities they earned their Science in Action badge!!!  Again, a VERY successful meeting.  Big Thank You to Tammy Kolberg for helping out in a huge way once again!  Chris Cairns for being oh so flexible and filling in when Olivia Wodek (Wren's big sister) got hit with the flu bug.   The girls were very excited about their activities and I promised that I would put the instructions to their activities on the blog so that they could show you at home.  The activities are relatively easy and the supplies....well you might just happen to have them in your house.  Check them out.  You will be inspired....as we continue to be by these bright, wonderful girls!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hope everyone has a fun filled sweet Valentine's Day.

If you didn't hand in your cookie order please do so today!

And......our next meeting is tomorrow, February 15.
Girls will earn a badge....Science in Action.

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Next Meeting 2-8-11

Our Next Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 8

Following our theme of giving/donating to our community the girls will be making bird seed/container for their backyard community.

Please consider handing in your girl scout cookie order at the meeting.  If you do not hand in your order form please plan to deliver to Liz Williams by Saturday, February 12.

Stay Warm!
See you next week!