Friday, December 31, 2010

End of Year Wrap Up

We love looking at the pictures from the meetings.  It is great to see the girls smiling, interacting, sharing...while learning, growing and becoming more confident.  We couldn't be happier with this troop.

As a troop we have had lots of smiles and happiness but we have also had some sadness.  Faith Johnson, 2nd grade, lost her mother after a very long and courageous battle with breast cancer on December 12, 2010.  As a troop we will be offering help in any way that we can.  Since her passing the family has had help from immediate family and neighbors, but a time will soon come when we can do something to ease the burden.  We will keep you posted and ask for your help when needed.

You may also be aware of the Sulecki Family of Willow Hill and their need for help since their serious snowmobile accident.  A meal train (click for more information) has been set up by Alisa Kroupa (Emma's Mom).  

We would encourage the girls to help out if your family is in the position and available to help out.  We will get more information to the troop so that the girls can earn a badge for their community service.  Your help for either of these families will certainly be welcomed. 

We wish you all the very best in 2011!  We look forward to more laughs, smiles and shared moments as we continue to strengthen our friendships.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

November 9 wrap up

What a fun meeting!
We are so proud of the girls in this troop.  The meeting went great, girls were very supportive of one another during the team building exercise (passing a hula hoop down the line of girls while they held hands....see the slide show!) and sharing of the Family Star's that were created at home.  Most of the girls finished their "homework".  A few did not and a few were absent.  Always know, that we understand that life can get a little crazy from time to time.  So if the girls do not complete their "homework" it is okay!  Just have them finish and bring to a future meeting.  The girls that finished their Family Star earned their first "key" in the quest.  We will need for families to respond to either of us by e-mail or phone as to whether your daughter would like a patch to iron on a vest, sash, or t-shirt.  All girls will receive a sticker patch to add to the maps in their folders.  Speaking of folders......there are some important notes inside and more fun "homework". 

The last activity that the girls worked on today was coloring in a shrinky dink.  We will shrink the completed shrinky dinks into charms and have them ready to use as charms for either a necklace or bracelet.  A few girls did not finish and will have an opportunity to do so at the next meeting in December.

Be sure to check out the photo slide show to the right.  The older photos are at the bottom of the page.  Check those out if you haven't already.  They will not be available after the next meeting.

BIG Thanks to our snack shared by Madison.
Our Parent Helpers:  Melissa Cartwright and Tammy Kolberg
Older Girl Helper:  Olivia Wodek

Liz and Kristi

Meeting Consent Form/Snack Schedule

We have updated the snack schedule.  We randomly assigned the schedule.  If the schedule does not work for you, please find another family to switch with.  We appreciate your cooperation.  Also, when planning the snack a few tips:
  • healthy snack for 25 girls
  • provide any paper products needed (paper plates, napkins, cups, etc.)
  • if you bring a bottle of juice don't forget the cups
  • snack needs to be at school by end of day
  • snack can be left in the office if you want to drop off in the a.m.
Meeting consent form.
We will pass this out.  Please look for in your daughter's folder.  This needs to be filled out and returned to the classroom teacher.  This will work for the entire school year.  Teacher's have been notified to look for this form.

Brownie Troop 419
Contact:   Liz Williams  499-8885 and Kristi Wodek  631-0692

December 7
December 14
January 11
January 25
February 8
February 15
March 8
March 22
April 12
April 26
May 10
May 24

My child, __________________________________________________________, has my
Permission to attend the Brownie meetings listed above.

_____________________________________________________________, _________________
Signature                                                                                                                                             Date

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Next meeting scheduled

Our next meeting will be November 9.  We will meet outside of the art room right after school.  Please pick up girls by 5:15 p.m.

Bring:  folders, Family Star Homework to share

See you Tuesday!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

1st Meeting Wrap Up

What a fun meeting!

Ask to see the girl's packets that we have sent home.  Please have your girls bring the packet to each meeting.  It will help them to be organized and to participate.  We will add sheets accordingly from time to time.

Today we have sent home a "star"  Please read the page below for the instructions.  Have fun making your star.  Slip your star in your packet and bring with you to the next meeting, November 9.  We will have the girls share and then we will add to a poster board so that they can look over them at the future meetings.

November 2, 1st meeting

Our first official meeting is scheduled for this Tuesday, November 2.
Snack:  Abigail Cartwright
Parent Helper:

At this meeting we plan to start our "quest".  We will encourage the girls to discover their special talents and qualities.  The girls will also come home with some homework.  I will have a link on this blog so that you can print out additional copies if you should need more.  Please have the girls bring homework to our next meeting, which is in one week.

Also, FYI........

Check out this link if you are interested in buying a Brownie vest.
They have size 6-8 youth on sale for half price!  They are $7.99
discounted brownie vest

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Welcome to Willow Hill Brownie Troop 419
We hope that this blog will help your family quickly find information regarding meetings (recap of meeting as well as information regarding future meetings), calendar (please click on the "calendar" tab to view brownie meeting dates), photo's of girls (once we have received permission from parents) and more. 

We are excited to launch this troop.  Our goal is to provide an opportunity for the girls to connect, share their personal strengths and empower themselves to be the best that they can be.  It is comforting to know that as the girls get to know one another throughout the year, that they will have friends in the hallway, cafeteria, recess, bus, etc. that they may not have had prior to this troop starting.  We want to encourage friendship and support amongst the girls!

It's Big.
It's Bold.
It's Girl Scouts.
And you belong!
Welcome to a great
adventure with sister
Girl Scouts all
around the world.